Lydden Hill

Car Trackdays

Car Trackdays at Lydden Hill

Trackdays are a fun way of learning more about your vehicle in a safe and controlled non-competitive environment. With the ever-increasing number of vehicles on the road plus the legal implications of driving at speed on the public highway, there is no better way to fully explore the performance of your vehicle.


Available dates – 2024

February 17th
March 9th
April 13th
May 11th
June 8th
July 27th
August 31st
September 21st
October 26th
November 23rd

To book yourself into one of our exciting Trackdays click here

Structure of the day

Track days at Lydden Hill are grouped into Novice, Intermediate and Experienced all receiving a total of 6, 15min sessions through out the day.

Noise breaks will be implemented throughout the day allowing us to control the noise based on hourly average readings.

Signing on will begin at 7.30am, with the briefing commencing at 8.40am, noise testing will take place before your first session and track time will begin at 9:15am.

The structure of the day can be changed from event to event, this will be communicated in advance or on the Alpha Timing booking page. If in doubt, please contact the office.


Our full track day regulations can be found here – Please make sure you have fully read and understood these regulations before taking part in a trackday, the document can also be viewed at the bottom of this page.

Drivers must be over the age of 16 with either a full UK licence or race licence, as specified in the regulations

The noise limit for the car track day is 100db static and 92db drive by

Drivers and Passengers must be wearing a helmet and have arms and legs fully covered

Passengers must be over the age of 14, anyone under 18 may be asked to produce ID and will need parental consent

All vehicles on track must have front and rear towing eyes or towing fixtures prior to entering the circuit


All drivers / riders must be medically and physically fit to participate in the activity and not have any medical condition for which they are obliged to notify DVLA.  Participants (including passengers) are prohibited if under the influence of alcohol, drugs, prescribed or over the counter medication which may impede their ability to drive.


All drivers must hold one of the following licences to be eligible to participate in car track days:

  • a full, unrestricted driving licence (not provisional) for the category of vehicle as issued by DVLA (or foreign equivalent) or
  • Any Motorsport UK National or Race Club license (or higher)
    • For the avoidance of doubt, any Motorsport UK Clubman or Interclub licenses will not give eligibility to participate in an LHRC car track day.

The driver wristband permits a driver to be a passenger in another driver’s car. An additional passenger booking is not required for drivers.

Only one passenger may be carried in the vehicle at any one time and subject to the wearing of an automotive crash helmet and the correct use of seat belt or safety harness.  The passenger must be seated in the front passenger seat.

The vehicle intended for use on the track day should conform to MOT minimum standards for road use or current Motorsport UK or Oval Track Racing Council technical and safety regulations. Classic cars which are MOT exempt may be accepted on a case-by-case basis however all cars must have working seat belts/harness regardless of the age of the vehicle.
All vehicles must be in good condition both mechanically and structurally and suitable for their intended use on the track with a seat belt or harness.   The condition of the seat belt or harness is the responsibility of the vehicle owner.  It is the duty of the participant to ensure that the vehicle remains in this condition for the duration of the activity.  Seat belts and harnesses must be worn correctly at all times. All vehicles must also comply with the circuit noise regulations (see below).

All wheels fitted must be compatible with your vehicle, are of the correct fitment and are fit for purpose.

The driver is entirely responsible for ensuring wheels are fitted correctly, that wheel bolts/nuts are adequately fastened taking into account the manufacturer recommendations of the wheel & vehicle. The owner will be responsible for any damage caused.

Single seater and open wheel cars must be approved in advance by LHRC.

Vehicles exceeding 1.85m in height are not permitted.

Racing slicks are permitted, only if a Motorsport UK approved roll cage is also fitted.

Hybrid or electric vehicles are prohibited unless written permission from LHRC has been granted in advance.

Open top cars must be fitted with a full Motorsport UK or FIA approved roll safety device, or other road homologated roll over safety device.

All vehicles must be fitted with front and rear towing eyes or towing fixtures.


Drivers aged 16-18 years require the written consent of a parent or guardian to participate in a track day activity either as a driver or a passenger. The parent or guardian must be present at the event and complete the signing on process with the participant.  Junior drivers who hold a Motorsport UK National Race Licence must use a vehicle of similar specification and performance to their race car and this will require prior approval by LHRC.  Drivers aged 16 – 18 years are not permitted to carry a passenger with the exception of a parent / guardian or an ARDS instructor.

Passengers under the age of 18 require the consent of a parent / guardian and the appropriate section of the Passenger Track Day Declaration Form must be countersigned.  The minimum age for passengers is 14 years. Passengers under the age of 18 will be required to produce proof of age (Such as a passport) on the day.

Additional drivers are booked as an addition to a main driver booking and they will share the vehicle and sessions for the duration of the trackday. Additional drivers must be using the same car as their main driver, an additional driver cannot be driving on circuit at the same time as the main driver.

Additional drivers book themselves onto the trackday using the link above, selecting the additional driver class where they will be asked to fill out a driver information form and declaration, this will speed up signing on the day.

Unless otherwise stated, our trackdays run from 09:00 until around 15:00,

We suggest you arrive at the Lydden Hill plenty of time before the circuit is open to give you the opportunity to familiarise yourself with the circuit, the facilities and for you and any additional drivers/passengers to sign on.
Sign on will be open from 07:30, with a verbal briefing on the day at 08:45.


In advance

All drivers will be required to read carefully and complete a driver information form, trackday driver declaration and the electronic briefing. Completing all of this information in advance will expedite your sign-on process on the day. Please ensure you complete this information carefully, if you have any questions or concerns pre-event, please contact us.

You will book onto the day and input your information through our online entry system, Alpha Timing, once your details are inputted your next booking will retain this information, please ensure you have double checked all information is up-to-date.

On the day

Signing on and wristband collection for drivers and passengers takes place from 07:30am in the signing on office located on the ground floor of the Circuit Office building. Drivers must produce their valid UK driving licence (or overseas equivalent) or MSUK licence. Photocopies are not acceptable.

Drivers who also wish to participate in the event as a passenger will also need to complete the passenger signing on process.

Any tampering of wrist bands will result in immediate exclusion from the event.

You will be able to access the briefing electronically ahead of your track day, we strongly recommend you read through this carefully and ensure you understand the information presented in there.

There will be a mandatory verbal briefing given on the day, this normally takes place at 08:40 in the white marquee. Please ensure you arrive in time to sign-on and attend this briefing, you will not be able to go out on circuit until you have attended a briefing on the day

The standards for all participants are as follows:

  • Participants must not act or drive recklessly, dangerously or in an intimidating fashion, whether on track or otherwise. Any person driving in a manner incompatible with safety will, at the discretion of the Track Supervisor, be black flagged by the start line marshal and may be excluded from the session or event.
  • Donuts, tyre spinning and drifting is not permitted.
  • Lydden Hill Race Circuit reserves the right to exclude any participant from the event who puts other drivers at risk or damages the venue.
  • Racing is not permitted.
  • No timekeeping or pace making of any sort is allowed on the track day.
  • Participants must follow the instructions of Lydden Hill officials at all times.
  • All groups will receive 3 sighting laps at the start of their first session to enable drivers to become familiar with the track. The sighting laps are distinguished by use of GREEN waved flags and overtaking is not permitted. Immediately following the sighting laps, the marshals will cease waving flags to indicate that the session is now open. For the remainder of the day, every class will have 1 sighting lap at the start of every session. Additional drivers must complete at least one sighting lap before they are permitted to participate in the track day, it is the responsibility of the driver to ensure they arrive in time for their session.
  • Groups will be released from the assembly area on the sole command of the Track Day Supervisor when the circuit is clear and ready to be used.
  • All vehicles must use the slip road at the top of the hill to return to the paddock.
  • Lydden Hill operates track limits regulations in line with most other circuits and drivers will be briefed on their application.
  • It is the responsibility of the driver to ensure that s/he understands the information provided in the safety briefing and is familiar with flag signals in use at Lydden Hill.

The vehicle to be used on the track day must conform to Lydden Hill noise regulations which have been set by the local authority. The noise limit for track days is 100dB static which will be tested when participants arrive in the Assembly Area immediately prior to their session.

Static: 100dB
Drive-by: 92dB

Engines must not be run before 08:55 Saturday and 10:25 Sunday (tick over only). No engines are to be run after 18:00 Saturday and 16:00 Sunday.

Every car wishing to run on the circuit will be tested in the assembly area/dummy grid ahead of their first session.
Noise is monitored throughout the event through the use of ‘drive by’ and circuit perimeter monitoring.  Any excessively noisy vehicle will be black flagged and removed from the track until corrective action has been taken.  If the vehicle fails to meet the noise test requirements and the driver or rider is no longer able to participate in the track day, LHRC will not be liable for providing a refund.  The same applies if the vehicle suffers mechanical issues and limits or prevents participation.

If you would like to know more about the noise limits before booking your trackday, please contact us.

The taking of still photographs & video footage for personal, non-commercial and non-promotional use is permitted.

The carrying of on-board cameras/videos for personal, non-commercial and non-promotional use is permitted subject to the cameras being safely and securely attached, using bolt-on mounting systems specifically designed for that purpose.

It is strictly prohibited for drivers to adjust or operate recording equipment while out on circuit. All equipment must be secured safely and securely to your vehicle using professional mounting systems specifically designed for that purpose. Suction mounts require a secondary device to ensure the device is secure, such as a tether.

The carrying of on-board cameras/videos for commercial use is prohibited unless authorised in writing by LHRC or the event organiser i.e. No Limits.  In the event of commercial footage, LHRC or No Limits reserve the right to charge a reasonable fee for the production and distribution of such coverage.  It is also prohibited to live stream any footage taking during track day activities.

In the event of any incident, footage must be provided to the track day organiser or any enforcing authority and must not be distributed via social media.  Any footage obtained in this regard will be handled in accordance with LHRC’s Data Protection Policy.

When in the paddock, participants are responsible for ensuring the safety of themselves and their guests and are bound by the regulations below:

  • The paddock speed limit is 10mph
  • All participants must familiarise themselves with the location of fire alarm call points and fire extinguishers in the paddock area
  • Storage of fuel is limited to 25l per driver / rider participant
  • Persons under the age of 18 must be adequately supervised at all times
  • Spectators are not permitted to enter the Assembly Area, track or return road
  • The scrutineering bay is out of bounds to all participants
  • Fuel must be stored securely in suitable receptacles
  • Paddock bikes or other forms of unlicenced motorised transport are not permitted
  • No tent pegs or similar are to be hammered into the paddock surface (anyone found doing so is liable for any repair costs)
  • Participants are liable for any excessive clean-up costs caused by them
  • Litter must be disposed of in the bins provided
  • Any waste oil must be disposed of in the receptacle located at the back of the paddock
  • Any waste tyres must be disposed of by the participant and removed from site

Electricity is available in the paddock first come first serve, at a charge of £5, £10 or £20 depending on the individual requirements. Electricity cards are available to purchase from the catering unit.



Spectating trackdays here at Lydden Hill is free of charge no booking is required, however, if there is oval racing taking place in the afternoon, there will be a £10 entry fee in place from 10:30 AM.


Electric is available in the paddock for a small charge. Electric cards can be purchased from the circuit office or catering unit in amounts of £5, £10 or £15.


Our paddock diner sells a range of local produce including; 100% British beef burgers, Chunky Chips, Onion rings and more. An ice-cream van will also be on site for summer events.


Participants of the Trackday are welcome to camp onsite from 12.30pm the day before the event. Toilet facilities and showers will be available.

Disabled Participants

Disabled participants are welcome to take part in the car Trackday and the circuit is disabled friendly. Please click for more info.

Regulations Document


Trackday Action


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